Blog Archive

Will I Ever Grow Out of My Allergies? Oct 10th, 2024

Are you tired of dealing with your allergies? Perhaps you have seasonal allergies that leave you constantly congested and blowing your nose so you can breathe. Maybe you had a food allergy when you were younger and simply no longer eat the offending food. You may wonder if you’ll ever...

Why Am I Suddenly Struggling to Swallow? Sep 9th, 2024

Are there times when you can’t swallow well? Does it feel like there’s a lump at the bottom of your throat or the top of your breastbone?  Nilesh Patel, MD, board-certified otolaryngologist, treats ear, nose, and throat disorders. Dr. Patel can get to the root cause of your difficulty swallowing...

3 Must-Know Causes of Vertigo and Dizziness Aug 15th, 2024

Is your world literally spinning around? Vertigo is a condition that creates the sensation that the room is spinning around you, or conversely, that you are spinning around the room. You want to seek medical attention immediately; it’s impossible to concentrate or accomplish a task while you’re having this type...

Why You Should Never Put Off Sleep Apnea Treatment Jul 26th, 2024

Does your partner tell you that your snoring keeps them awake? Perhaps they notice you having a hard time breathing at night. You may have sleep apnea.  If you have sleep apnea, your airway is blocked, so your breathing stops and starts repeatedly as you struggle to get enough air...

My Hearing Is Getting Muffled — Should I Be Worried? Jun 24th, 2024

Are you experiencing difficulty hearing? Does it sound like others are far away when they’re talking to you, even though they’re sitting beside you? Hearing loss can be gradual or sudden, depending on the cause.  Your hearing is a critical sense that helps you navigate your environment. Without satisfactory hearing,...

Dealing with Sinusitis During Pregnancy May 13th, 2024

You’re prone to sinusitis, and now you’re pregnant. If possible, you want to try to stay away from antibiotics. You’ll do everything you can to keep your baby safe.  You’ll want to see a specialist, though, to ensure you’re doing all the right things to protect your health and that...

4 Reasons Your Throat Hurts at Night Apr 9th, 2024

You’ve noticed that your throat is sore at night. But you don’t have a fever, and you don’t feel sick. What’s causing this troublesome symptom?  Board-certified otolaryngologist Dr. Nilesh Patel specializes in treating patients with ear, nose, and throat disorders. Dr. Patel performs a thorough examination of your ears, nose,...

5 Signs Your Thyroid Is Off Mar 2nd, 2024

Is your body experiencing some changes that seem to be random and unconnected but are affecting your daily life? Are you suddenly cold all the time? On the other hand, even though you haven’t changed the thermostat, you seem to be undergoing a heat wave.  You could have thyroid disease....

Tips for Beating a Sinus Headache Feb 1st, 2024

Do you feel that familiar dull ache around the bridge of your nose and behind your eyes? It’s another sinus headache. Is there a way to avoid these painful episodes?  Board-certified otolaryngologist Dr. Nilesh Patel provides expert treatments for sinusitis in his Midtown Manhattan, New York offices. You may be...

I Have Allergies — Will My Children Have Them As Well? Jan 8th, 2024

Allergies are a common ailment that can send you to the doctor. If over-the-counter medication doesn’t help, it’s important to seek medical treatment from a specialist. Allergies can become life threatening in some instances.  Board-certified otolaryngologist Nilesh Patel, MD can help relieve your allergy symptoms. Dr. Patel administers allergy tests...

Reasons Why Your Voice Is Hoarse (And What to Do About It) Dec 14th, 2023

Do you lose your voice sometimes? Perhaps you've developed frequent hoarseness. You may wonder why your voice has become rough, raspy, and sometimes hard to understand.  Hoarseness can be an impediment in the business world as well as in your social life. You don’t want to be embarrassed when a...

Do This Now If You Want to Avoid Sinusitis This Winter Nov 15th, 2023

Are you prone to sinus problems? If you frequently get nasal congestion, you probably also suffer from sinusitis symptoms. They’re no fun.  Winter will be here before you know it, and cold air can worsen your sinus issues. Board-certified otolaryngologist Dr. Nilesh Patel helps relieve sinusitis symptoms for many patients...

Why Does My Child Keep Getting Ear Infections? Oct 1st, 2023

As a parent, you’ve made many trips to the doctor with your little one. A number of them are turning out to be because of ear infections. You’re tired of this cycle of illness when your little one is irritable, restless, and in pain. You’re wondering why your child has...

Our Favorite Remedies for a Sore Throat Sep 1st, 2023

Sore throats are a common and usually minor ailment. Even though they’re temporary, a sore throat can make it difficult to sleep, talk, or even eat because it hurts to swallow. If your toddler or school-aged child has a sore throat, they can be cranky and irritable.  Board-certified otolaryngologist Nilesh...

What Most Don't Know About Meniere's Disease Aug 1st, 2023

Do you sometimes have ringing or other strange sounds in your ears? Maybe you’ve had an episode of vertigo when the world seems to spin around you. While fairly rare, when ear disorders occur, they can disrupt your life. You may have Meniere’s disease, which is one such disorder.  Dr....

Tips for Surviving Summer Allergies Jul 5th, 2023

You have seasonal allergies that bring on unpleasant symptoms. Do your sneezing, runny nose, watery, itchy eyes, postnasal drip, and/or cough extend through the summer months?  Tree pollen is the culprit that starts allergic reactions in the spring, but you may also suffer from allergies to pollens that predominate in...

All About Chronic Sinus Headaches: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Solutions Jun 1st, 2023

The pressure around your nose and eyes is building up again. Along with the pressure, you keep getting congested. Are you getting chronic sinus headaches?  Dr. Nilesh Patel, board-certified otolaryngologist, treats many patients with chronic sinusitis, which normally presents with a sinus headache. Sometimes nasal sprays work to clear minor...

When Your Persistent Sore Throat May Be a Sign of GERD May 1st, 2023

It’s spring; the weather’s great. You’re wondering why you have a sore throat that just won’t go away. Your temperature’s normal and you don’t feel sick. Could it be allergies? Or something else?  Dr. Nilesh Patel, our board-certified ear, nose, and throat physician, can get to the root of your...

I've Been Diagnosed with Meniere's Disease: Now What? Apr 4th, 2023

You never knew a problem with your ears could cause you to lose your balance and feel like the earth is spinning around you. You’ve developed vertigo. But your ear condition doesn’t stop there. You may also have a hard time hearing out of your affected ear; it always feels...

Our Top Tips to Help You Nip Those Springtime Allergies in the Bud Mar 8th, 2023

Spring is here. Along with fragrant flowers, seasonal allergies are popping up once more. Trees and a host of other plants start to bud in March in many places in the United States. So, if you experience allergy symptoms during this time of year, you may be allergic to certain...

Living with Chronic Nasal Congestion — Can You Help Me Find Relief? Feb 9th, 2023

Suffering from chronic nasal congestion is no fun. Breathing through your mouth makes it feel as dry as sandpaper. Pressure around your eyes causes pain. You don’t experience the full flavor of what you’re eating.  Everyone has experienced nasal congestion, a hallmark of the common cold, at one time or another....

3 Ear Disorders That Can Affect Adults and Children Jan 4th, 2023

Ear disorders require prompt attention. Ear infections are a common ear disorder of childhood; toddlers let you know from their cries that they’re in distress. Hearing loss and dizziness, or vertigo, are serious ear disorders that can upend life as you know it. Older adults who suffer untreated hearing loss...

How Long Does It Take for Balloon Sinuplasty to Relieve My Symptoms? Dec 1st, 2022

If you’ve had chronic sinusitis, you’re tired of the nasal congestion and inability to breathe. You may feel constant pressure around your nose and eyes. Antibiotics haven’t worked effectively. You’d really like to be able to smell your food again.  Nilesh Patel, MD, board-certified otolaryngologist, provides relief for chronic sinusitis...

What to Expect from Your First Telemedicine Visit for Sinus Problems Nov 28th, 2022

Your nose is stuffed up and you can’t breathe well. You have a runny nose and other cold-type symptoms. If it’s a sinus infection, do you need an antibiotic?  Dr. Nilesh Patel, board-certified otolaryngologist, treats many patients with sinus problems. If it’s too difficult for you to come into the...

Ear Infections: Adults Get Them Too Oct 1st, 2022

Your ear hurts. It’s stopped up as well; you can’t hear clearly. Could you have an ear infection? You may have thought those only occurred in children. However, adults get ear infections too.  Dr. Nilesh Patel, our experienced ear, nose, and throat specialist and otolaryngologist, can diagnose your ear problem,...

It’s Not Just Snoring: The Dangers of Sleep Apnea Sep 9th, 2022

Have you been told that your snoring sounds like a locomotive? Does your partner have to sleep in another room because the noise keeps them awake? Although snoring can have other causes, it’s often a symptom of sleep apnea. If you have undiagnosed sleep apnea, it can lead to other...

Is It Allergies or Sinusitis? Aug 3rd, 2022

Are you prone to allergies? How do you know if you’re suffering from allergies versus sinusitis? Both conditions have the same major symptoms: swollen sinuses and uncomfortable nasal congestion making it difficult to breathe, especially at night. You roll over on one side to try to sleep and one side...

When Does a Sore Throat Warrant a Trip to the Doctor? Jul 13th, 2022

Sore throats are responsible for more than 13 million visits to the doctor’s office each year. There are numerous reasons you can have a sore throat, but when should you seek the help of a medical professional?  Ear, nose, and throat physician Nilesh Patel, MD, is trained to distinguish a...

What are allergies? Apr 24th, 2018

Allergies are extremely common in the general population, with approximately 50 million Americans being affected.  This number appears to be growing as over 17 million new Americans were diagnosed with hay fever in the past year. Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a term used to describe allergy...

Throat Pain Feb 22nd, 2018

Throat pain is one of the most common reasons for visits to the doctor.  Throat pain may start suddenly and be very painful or start gradually and persist for several months.  ENT providers are specialists who can help identify the cause of your throat pain. Signs and Symptoms  There are...

Hearing Loss Feb 8th, 2018

 There are many different scenarios that can lead to hearing loss, such as exposure to loud noise, wax buildup in the ear canal, ear infection, fluid behind the eardrum, and age related hearing loss. Less common reasons for hearing loss include exposure to certain medications, sudden sensorineural hearing loss, and...

To neti pot or not? Jan 30th, 2018

Nasal irrigation with saline  or saline rinses, are a natural remedy that can be used to help with a variety of symptoms such as nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, facial pain/pressure and runny nose (rhinitis).  There are a variety of methods for nasal irrigation.  One of the most popular and effective...

What is earwax? Jan 16th, 2018

 Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a naturally produced substance in the outer ear canal.  It helps with lubrication of the canal and can protect the ear from infection. There are many different appearances of earwax.  Earwax can be dry and flaky or can be wet and yellow to dark...

Tired of sinus infections? Jan 8th, 2018

 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 29 million Americans are diagnosed with sinus infections each year.  Patients can experience bothersome facial pain/pressure, nasal congestion, headaches and runny nose, among other symptoms.  These symptoms are usually due to blockage of the sinus openings, resulting in infection.  We...