Blog Articles

My Hearing Is Getting Muffled — Should I Be Worried?

My Hearing Is Getting Muffled — Should I Be Worried?

Are you being cut off from conversations because you can’t hear what others are saying? If your hearing is muffled, it’s important to seek help from an ear specialist who can diagnose the cause and develop a treatment plan.
Jun 24th, 2024
Dealing with Sinusitis During Pregnancy

Dealing with Sinusitis During Pregnancy

Have you had recurring bouts of sinusitis? What if you get a sinus infection when you’re pregnant? Learn about effective ways to handle a sinus infection during pregnancy.
May 13th, 2024
4 Reasons Your Throat Hurts at Night

4 Reasons Your Throat Hurts at Night

Do you wake up at night to a sore throat? Is your throat frequently sore during the day even though you don’t seem sick? Make an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat physician to learn why your throat often feels sore.
Apr 9th, 2024
 5 Signs Your Thyroid Is Off

5 Signs Your Thyroid Is Off

Your thyroid gland is a small but mighty organ, regulating your body temperature, metabolism, and more. When its production is out of balance, you may feel that your body has gone haywire. 
Mar 2nd, 2024

Tips for Beating a Sinus Headache

Are sinus headaches the bane of your life? Check out these tips for relief from the pressure a sinus headache brings to your eyes, cheeks, or nose so you have them at hand when needed.
Feb 1st, 2024
Do This Now If You Want to Avoid Sinusitis This Winter

Do This Now If You Want to Avoid Sinusitis This Winter

Do you often have a stuffy nose that leaves you breathing through your mouth? Sinusitis symptoms may get no better in the winter, with all that cold, dry air. Check out these tips to keep you breathing freely.
Nov 15th, 2023

Why Does My Child Keep Getting Ear Infections?

Do you feel like you’re treading water because you have to keep taking your baby or toddler to the doctor for repeated ear infections? Learn why ear infections are more common in babies and small children and how they’re treated.
Oct 1st, 2023
Our Favorite Remedies for a Sore Throat

Our Favorite Remedies for a Sore Throat

It’s easy to get a sore throat this time of year when the weather changes and allergies are active. Refresh your knowledge of effective remedies to soothe your sore throat. 
Sep 1st, 2023
What Most Don't Know About Meniere's Disease

What Most Don't Know About Meniere's Disease

Do you sometimes experience vertigo or ringing in your ears, along with other strange symptoms? You may have Meniere’s disease. Ear disorders like this one are rare, but when they occur, they can disrupt your life.
Aug 1st, 2023
Tips for Surviving Summer Allergies

Tips for Surviving Summer Allergies

Allergens aren’t active only in the spring and fall — they’re around in the summer months, too. Check out our strategies for keeping summer allergies at bay.
Jul 5th, 2023
I've Been Diagnosed with Meniere's Disease: Now What?

I've Been Diagnosed with Meniere's Disease: Now What?

Have you recently been told you have Meniere’s disease? You’re seeking relief from the head-spinning vertigo attacks or the tinnitus that causes annoying sounds in your ear you can’t shut out. Learn about treatment options.
Apr 4th, 2023
3 Ear Disorders That Can Affect Adults and Children

3 Ear Disorders That Can Affect Adults and Children

Your hearing is one of your five senses, and it’s a critical one. Severe ear pain, hearing loss, and vertigo are all disabling conditions. Learn more about these ear disorders and how they’re treated.
Jan 4th, 2023
Ear Infections: Adults Get Them Too

Ear Infections: Adults Get Them Too

You have ear pain. Maybe your ear is itchy or feels full of fluid. Ear problems require the attention of a specialist, since you could have an infection. After all, it’s not just children who get ear infections.
Oct 1st, 2022
It’s Not Just Snoring: The Dangers of Sleep Apnea

It’s Not Just Snoring: The Dangers of Sleep Apnea

You know you snore at night. Your partner may have even taped the sounds. If you snore and wake up feeling fatigued, you may have undiagnosed sleep apnea. Learn why treatment for this condition is important.
Sep 9th, 2022
Is It Allergies or Sinusitis?

Is It Allergies or Sinusitis?

You’ve got nasal congestion. Is it allergies or sinusitis? Should you call the doctor? Which one? Learn key differences between the two conditions and what you should do to feel better.
Aug 3rd, 2022
When Does a Sore Throat Warrant a Trip to the Doctor?

When Does a Sore Throat Warrant a Trip to the Doctor?

Sore throats are fairly common and usually resolve on their own. However, when the cause is a bacterial infection, such as with strep throat, plan on a trip to the doctor. Learn more about your sore throat and when you should seek medical attention.
Jul 13th, 2022

What are allergies?

Learn more about hay fever/allergic rhinitis, allergy testing and treatment options
Apr 24th, 2018

Throat Pain

An overview of common causes and treatment
Feb 22nd, 2018

What is earwax?

A summary of why earwax builds up and what to do/ not to do for relief.
Jan 16th, 2018
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